A node in the test tree.
Public Methods
node(suite_node* par, test&)
- Create this node under par
QListViewItem* lvi()
- Get the associated QListViewItem
state status()
void ok()
- [signal] emitted when the test succedes
void fail()
- [signal] emitted when the test fails
void error()
- [signal] emitted when the test throws an exception
virtual void run()
- [slot] Make the test run, and emit appropriate signals
Protected Methods
node(gui* par, test&)
- Make a top level test, directly under the gui
void status(state s)
- Set the status of the node, including update of the displayed icon
A node in the test tree. An error in Qt prevents this to be derived from
QListViewItem, hence the separation.
node(suite_node* par, test&)
- Create this node under par
QListViewItem* lvi()
- Get the associated QListViewItem
state status()
void ok()
- [signal] emitted when the test succedes
void fail()
- [signal] emitted when the test fails
void error()
- [signal] emitted when the test throws an exception
virtual void run()
- [slot] Make the test run, and emit appropriate signals
node(gui* par, test&)
- Make a top level test, directly under the gui
void status(state s)
- Set the status of the node, including update of the displayed icon
- Direct child classes:
- suite_node
Alphabetic index HTML hierarchy of classes or Java
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