class unitpp::testcase

A ref counted reference to a test.

Public Methods

[more] testcase(test* t)
Simply wrap -- and own -- a test
[more] testcase(const testcase& tr)
Keep the ref count
[more]template<typename C> testcase(C* par, const std::string& name, typename test_mfun<C>::mfp fp)
Make a testcase from a class and a member function.
[more]testcase& operator=(const testcase&)
Assignment that maintains reference count


A ref counted reference to a test. This is what test suites are composed of, and what ensures destruction.
o testcase(test* t)
Simply wrap -- and own -- a test

o testcase(const testcase& tr)
Keep the ref count

otemplate<typename C> testcase(C* par, const std::string& name, typename test_mfun<C>::mfp fp)
Make a testcase from a class and a member function.

The normal usage is inside some test suite class Test:

add("id", testcase(this, "Testing this and that", &Test::test))

to make a test that invokes the test method on the instance of the suite class. test_mfun

otestcase& operator=(const testcase&)
Assignment that maintains reference count

This class has no child classes.

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